Individual solutions for individual challenges.
Company reorganizations frequently involve personnel consequences in which also longtime or very specialized staff members are affected by phase-out measures. The coaching of your employees during the separation process can facilitate the situation and the new start and reintegration process can be tackled commonly.
We offer a programme which is tailored to your individual situation and needs, and which takes sector, professional category, hierarchy level and employment market into consideration. Objectives, timeline and cost budget are agreed upon in advance. The outplacement offered by schnellmann hcm is suited for specialist and management functions.
The outplacement can optionally take place at your location, in Zurich Altstetten (Zentrum Laguna), Zug (Metalli) or Lucerne (Office Werft / Schwanenplatz).
Modul 1:
Situational Analysis, Coaching, Definition of future professional environment, company/sector, Understanding of employment market, Coordination of Swiss Social Insurances (in particular pension fund and unemployment insurance - BVG / AVIG)
Modul 2:
Personality Assessment, contrasting / matching with aspired position and hierarchy level, identify capabilities, strengths and potential, gaps analysis, increased awareness of developmental needs
Modul 3:
Personal competence profile
Modul 4:
Self Marketing
Modul 5:
Elevator Pitch
Modul 6:
Establishing of personal search and application strategy
Modul 7:
Meaningful application documents, in line with the market and time
Modul 8:
Interviewing techniques, objectification of self-perception by means of video recording